Luni-Solar Archetypal Astrology

The scientific astrology

Luni-Solar Archetypal Astrology is the most important instrument of personal and social development bequeathed to us by the metaphysical philosophers of antiquity. This system fell into oblivion when contemporary materialistic philosophers tried in vain to turn scientific astrology into an instrument for predicting the future.

Its scientific and psychological character was vindicated by the famous Swiss psychiatrist, psychologist and essayist Carl Gustav Jung, who courageously expressed this famous quote to the materialistic and atheistic scientific community of his time:

"Astrology is assured the recognition of psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the sum of all psychological knowledge of antiquity."

Those great metaphysical philosophers taught that the foundation of any civilized society rests on three great pillars:

  • Children and young people who have found their true vocation.
  • Harmonious couples who have been able to guide themselves and their children towards a fulfilled life.
  • Individuals who have found happiness in self-knowledge.

Uxor's is a private project, led by Prof. Publio S. Colmenares B., who has developed and adapted to modern times the three important instruments bequeathed to us by those wise men of antiquity, namely:

  • The Archetypal Vocational Report.
  • The Archetypal Compatibility Report between Couples.
  • The Archetypal Astral Chart.

If you would like more information about The Archetypal Astrology, please contact us using the contact form.